
During the power-on procedure, the module initializes automatically. All LEDs (except the LEDs for the signal states) are on during the initialization.

LED State Color LED = ON LED = OFF LED flashing
AI0 - AI15 Analog channel state Green Channel activated and OK Channel deactivated CMS measurement running
Red Short circuit (only in IEPE mode) over- / undervoltage (only in +-10V mode) - Cable break (only in IEPE mode)
A, B, Z Encoder 0 inputs Yellow Input ON Input OFF LED follows the state of the inputs, depending on frequency
DI0, DI1, DC2, DC3 Digital inputs Yellow Input = ON (the input voltage is even displayed if the supply voltage is OFF). Input = OFF -
DC2, DC3 Digital outputs Yellow Output = ON Output OFF -
5 V Power supply for encoders Green Configuration ON and power 5-V-power ready Configuration OFF or power failure Power supply outputs are short-circuited
L+ Process supply voltage Green Process voltage OK Initialization finished Process voltage OFF Firmware update
CH-ERR1, CH-ERR2   Red Serious error within the corresponding group No error or process voltage is missing Error on one channel of the corresponding group (e.g. short circuit at an output)