
8 analog inputs, individually configurable \ for

  • unused (default setting)
  • 0 … 5 V, 0 … 10 V
  • -50 … +50 mV, -500 … +500 mV
  • -1 … +1 V, -5 … +5 V, -10 V … +10 V
  • 0 … 20 mA
  • 4 … 20 mA
  • -20 … 20 mA
  • Pt100, -50 °C … +70 °C or 400 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • Pt100, -200 °C … +850 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • Pt1000, -50 °C … +400 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • Ni1000, -50 °C … +150 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • Cu50 (1.426): -50 °C … +200 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • Cu50 (1.428): -200 °C … +200 °C (2-, 3- and 4-wire)
  • 0 … 50 kOhm
  • Thermocouples of types J, K, T, N, S
  • Resistance measuring bridge
  • digital signals (digital input)
Parameter Value
Resolution of the analog channels  
  Voltage and current, bipolar 15 bits plus sign
  Voltage and current, unipolar 15 bits
  Temperature 0.1 °C (0,01°C at Pt100 -50 °C … +70 °C)
LED displays 11 LEDs for signals and error messages
Internal power supply through the expansion bus interface (I/O bus)
External power supply via terminals (process voltage UP = 24 VDC)
Required Terminal Unit TU515 or TU516 TU515, TU516, TU516-H and TU542 for I/O Modules