Serial Interface COM2ΒΆ

The serial interface COM2 is connected to a D-sub 9. It is configurable for RS-232 and RS-485.


COM2 cannot be used for communication via CS31 System Bus. For a detailed description of COM2, please refer to Serial interface COM2. Serial Interface COM2 of the Terminal Bases

Pin assignment

Serial Interface Pin Signal Interface Description
../_images/087d1a046426a5750a33139001f61359 1 FE - Functional earth
2 TxD RS-232 Transmit data Output
3 RxD/TxD-P RS-485 Receive/Transmit Positive
4 RTS RS-232 Request to send Output
5 SGND Signal ground 0 V supply out
6 +5 V - 5 V supply out
7 RxD RS-232 Receive data Input
8 RxD/TxD-N RS-485 Receive/Transmit Negative
9 CTS RS-232 Clear to send Input
Shield FE - Functional earth


:strong:Risk of corrosion!

Unused connectors and slots may corrode if XC devices are used in salt-mist environments.

Protect unused connectors and slots with TA535 protective caps for XC devices TA535: Protective Caps TA535 for XC Devices TA535 - Protective Caps for XC Devices.