Serial Interface COM2 of the Terminal BasesΒΆ


The serial interface COM2 is not available at:

  • Processor Modules with type designator -2ETH (e. g. PM591-2ETH)
  • Processor Modules PM56xx

The serial interface COM2 is connected via a 9-pole SUB-D connector. It is not intended to use COM2 to establish a CS31 system bus. It is configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 and can be used for

  • online access
  • a free protocol
  • MODBUS RTU, master and slave

If the RS-485 bus is used, each interconnected bus line (each bus segment) must be electrically terminated. The following is necessary:

  • 2 resistors of 120 Ohms each at both line ends (to avoid signal reflections)
  • a pull-up resistor at RxD/TxD-P and a pull-down resistor at RxD/TxD-N. These 2 resistors care for a defined high level on the bus, while there is no data exchange.

It is useful, to activate both the pull-up and the pull-down resistors, which only are necessary once on every bus line, at the bus master.

Pin assignment

Serial Interface Pin Signal Interface Description
../_images/087d1a046426a5750a33139001f61359 1 FE - Functional earth
2 TxD RS-232 Transmit data Output
3 RxD/TxD-P RS-485 Receive/Transmit Positive
4 RTS RS-232 Request to send Output
5 SGND Signal ground 0 V supply out
6 +5 V - 5 V supply out
7 RxD RS-232 Receive data Input
8 RxD/TxD-N RS-485 Receive/Transmit Negative
9 CTS RS-232 Clear to send Input
Shield FE - Functional earth


:strong:Risk of corrosion!

Unused connectors and slots may corrode if XC devices are used in salt-mist environments.

Protect unused connectors and slots with TA535 protective caps for XC devices TA535: Protective Caps TA535 for XC Devices TA535 - Protective Caps for XC Devices.

The following drawing shows an RS-485 bus with the bus master at the line end.


If the master is located within the bus line, it does not need a terminating resistor. The pull-up and the pull-down resistors, however, are necessary:



If the bus is operated with several masters, the pull-up and pull-down resistors may only be installed at one master.

The cable shields must be earthed. See CS31 System Bus CS31 bus.