Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid for standard version.

The System Data of AC500-XC System Data AC500-XC are valid for the XC version.

Only additional details are therefore documented below.

For information about wiring specifications see Terminals at the Terminal Unit.

Parameter Value
Number of I/O channels per module Max. 24 (depending on the inserted Bus Module)
Distribution of the channels into groups 3 groups of max. 8 channels each (1.0…1.7, 2.0…2.7, 3.0…3.7), the allocation of the channels is given by the inserted ETHERNET Bus Module
Network interface connector 2 RJ45, 8-pole
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Max. permitted total current 10 A via the supply terminals (UP, UP3 and ZP)
Earthing Direct connection to the earthed DIN rail or via the screws with wall mounting
Screw-type terminals Front terminal, conductor connection vertically with respect to the printed circuit board
Spring-type terminals Front terminal, conductor connection vertically with respect to the printed circuit board
Weight 200 g
Mounting position Horizontal or vertical