Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid for standard version.

The System Data of AC500-XC System Data AC500-XC are valid for the XC version.

Only additional details are therefore documented below.

General data of the Processor Modules

Parameter Value
Connection of the supply voltage 24 V DC at the removable terminal block of the processor module at a removable 5-pin terminal block with spring connection
  Current consumption from 24 V DC 0.4 A
  Inrush current at 24 V DC 1 A²s *)
  Max. power dissipation within the module 15 W
  Slots for communication modules 2
  Processing module’s interfaces I/O bus, COM1, COM2
  Processing module’s network interfaces

ETH1 and ETH2 for ETHERNET-based system communication

ETH3.1 and ETH3.2 for ETHERNET-based fieldbuses with switch functionality

ETH4.1 and ETH4.2 for ETHERNET-based fieldbuses with switch functionality

Connection system see System Assembly chapter AC500 (Standard)
Weight 1070 g
Mounting position horizontal or vertical with derating (50 % output load, reduction of temperature to 40 °C)

*1) The melting integral of the processor module depends on the processor module’s integrated power supply, and the number and type of communication modules and I/O modules connected to the I/O bus.

Detailed data

Parameter Value
Flash memory for boot projects, symbols and web pages 32768 kB
SDRAM for user program 16384 kB
SDRAM for user data 16384 kB
Expandable memory None
Integrated mass storage memory 4 GB non rotating flashdisk
Pluggable memory card for: x
  User data storage
  Program source code storage
  Firmware update
Cycle time for 1 instruction  
  Binary Min. 0.0006 µs
  Word Min. 0.001 µs
  Floating point Min. 0.001 µs
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (10 exp. modules):  
  Digital inputs 320
  Digital outputs 240
  Analog inputs 160
  Analog outputs 160
Number of decentralized inputs and outputs Depends on the field bus used (as an info on the CS31 Bus: up to 31 stations with up to 120 DI / 120 DO each)
Data backup

Battery for PM595-4ETH-F,

MRAM for PM595-4ETH-M-XC without battery

Data buffering time at 25 °C About 3 years
Battery low indication Warning issued about 2 weeks before the state of charge becomes critical
Real-time clock  
  With battery back-up x
  Accuracy Typ. ± 2 s / day at 25 °C

Integrated Communication Module,



2x ETHERNET interfaces with downloadable protocol e.g. PROFINET IO,

ETHERCAT (in preparation)

Number of external communication modules Up to 2 communication modules like PROFIBUS DP, ETHERNET, CANOPEN or safety module SM560-S. There are no restrictions concerning the communication module types and communication module combinations (e.g. up to 2 PROFIBUS DP communication modules are possible)
LEDs 5 to display states, rest of LEDs reserved
LCD display Optional
Buttons and switches

1 button for Reset (Reserved)

1 Button (Reserved)

1 Switch for RUN/STOP