
4 analog TC inputs, individually configurable \ for

  • Not used (default)
  • Voltage -80 mV … + 80 mV
  • Thermocouple J-type -210 °C … +1200 °C
  • Thermocouple K-type -270 °C … +1372 °C
  • Thermocouple R-type -50 °C … +1768 °C
  • Thermocouple S-type -50 °C … +1768 °C
  • Thermocouple T-type -270 °C … +400 °C
  • Thermocouple E-type -270 °C … +1000 °C
  • Thermocouple N-type -270 °C … +1300 °C
Parameter Value
Resolution of the analog channels  
  Temperature 0.1 °C
LED displays 2 LEDs for process voltage and error messages
Internal supply Via I/O-Bus
External supply Via the terminals UP (process voltage 24 VDC) and ZP (0 VDC)