Cable Types

Crossover cable


:strong:Particular use

Crossover cables are needed only for a direct ETHERNET connection without crossover functionality. In particular for AC500 modules in product life cycle phase “Classic”.

Crossover cables are for a direct ETHERNET connection of two terminal devices as the simplest variant of a network. From transmission lines of the first station to the reception lines of the second station.


Wiring of a crossover cable

Straight-through cable

For networks with more than two subscribers, hubs or switches have to be used additionally for distribution. These active devices already have the crossover functionality implemented which allows a direct connection of the terminal devices using straight-through cables.


Wiring of a straight-through cable


:strong:Risk of communication faults!

When using inappropriate cables, malfunctions in communication may occur.

Only use network cables of the categories 5 (Cat 5, Cat 5e, Cat 6 or Cat 7) or higher within PROFINET networks.