LED Status Display

The LEDs are located at the front of module. There are 4 different groups:

  • 5 system LEDs (PWR, STA1 ETH, STA2 ETH, S-ERR and I/O-Bus) show the operation status of the module and display possible errors.
  • 4 ETHERNET status LEDs located at the Terminal Unit TU520-ETH
  • 11 status LEDs for the Serial Interfaces an the CANOPEN Interface
  • 1 LED to display the presence of the process supply voltage UP
Status of the 5 System-LEDs
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
PWR/RUN Green Process supply voltage missing Internal supply voltage OK, module ready for communication with IO Controller Start-up / preparing communication


(System-LED “BF”)

Green Device configured, cyclic data exchange running
Red Device is not configured
STA2 ETH (System-LED “SF”) Green Got identification request from IO Controller
Red No system error System error (collective error)
S-ERR Red No error Internal error
I/O-Bus Green No expansion modules connected or communication error Expansion modules connected and operational
Status of \ the 4 ETHERNET Status LEDs
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
ETH1-Link Green No connection at ETHERNET interface Connected to ETHERNET interface
ETH1-Rx Tx Yellow Device is transmitting telegrams Device is transmitting telegrams
ETH2-Link Green No connection at ETHERNET interface Connected to ETHERNET interface
Eth2-Rx Tx Yellow Device is transmitting telegrams Device is transmitting telegrams
Status of the 8 status LEDs (4 per channel) \ of the Serial Interfaces
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
COMx TxD Yellow No data transmission over serial network Channel is transmitting data via the serial interface (flashing rate depending on the telegram transmission frequency)
COMx RxD Yellow No data reception from serial network Channel is receiving data from the serial interface (flashing rate depending on the telegram reception frequency)
COMx STA Yellow

RS-232: RTS signal not active

RS-485: Channel is in reception mode

RS-422:Channel is not enabled

RS-232: RTS signal is active

RS-485: Channel is transmitting

RS-422: Channel is enabled (able to receive and transmit)


Channel enabled, no error


Channel deactivated

Channel boot up Channel error (receive buffer overflow)
Status of the 3 status LEDs of the CANOPEN Interfaces
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
CAN-RUN Yellow Device configured, CANOPEN Bus in OPERATIONAL state and cyclic data exchange running

Flashing cyclically:

CANOPEN Bus in Pre-operational state and slave is being configured

Single flash:

CANOPEN Bus in Stopped state.

CAN-STA Yellow No data transmission Channel is transmitting data
CAN-ERR Red No error CANOPEN bus is OFF

Flashing cyclically:

Configuration error

Single flash:

Error counter overflow due to too many error frames

Double flash:

A Node-Guard or a Heartbeat event occurred

Status of the power supply LED
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
UP Green No process voltage available Process voltage available