
Structure of the Diagnosis Block via PNIO_DEV_ALARM: PNIO_DEV_ALARM

Byte Number Description Possible Values
1 Diagnosis Byte, slot number

31 = CI506-PNIO (e. g. error at integrated Serial Interface)

1 = 1st connected S500 I/O Module

10 = 10th connected S500 I/O Module

2 Diagnosis Byte, module number According to the I/O Bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
3 Diagnosis Byte, channel According to the I/O Bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
4 Diagnosis Byte, error code

According to the I/O Bus specification

Bit 7 and bit 6, coded error class

0 = E1

1 = E2

2 = E3

3 = E4

Bit 0 to Bit 5, coded error description

5 Diagnosis Byte, flags

According to the I/O-Bus specification

Bit 7: 1 = coming error

Bit 6: 1 = leaving error

E1..E4 d1 d2 d3 d4



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Byte 4

Bit 6..7

- Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3

Byte 4

Bit 0..5

PNIO diagnosis block
Class Interface Device Module Channel Error identifier Error message Remedy
  1) 2) 3)        
Module error
3 - 31 31 31 43 Internal error in the module Replace Module
3 - 31 31 31 9 Overflow diagnosis buffer New start
3 - 31 31 31 26 Parameter error Check master
3 - 31 31 31 11 Process voltage too low Check process voltage
3 - 1..10 31 31 17 No communication with I/O Module Replace I/O Module
4 - 1..10 31 31 31 At least 1 I/O Module does not support failsafe mode Check I/O Modules and parameterization
4 - 1..10 31 31 32 Wrong I/O Module type on socket

Replace I/O Module

Check Configuration

4 - 1..10 31 31 34 No response during initialization of the I/O Module Replace I/O Module
Serial Channel error
4 - 31 31 1..2 12 Reception SW FIFO overrun Check modules and parameterization
4 - 31 31 1..2 26 Parameter error Check modules and parameterization
CANOPEN Channel error 4)
4 - 31 31 12..75 12 Reception SW FIFO (CAN2.0A) overrun (Buffer number 1..64) 5) Check modules and parameterization
4 - 31 31 112..175 12 Reception SW FIFO (CAN2.0B) overrun (Buffer number 1..64) 5) Check modules and parameterization



In AC500 the following interface identifier applies:

“-” = Diagnosis via bus-specific Function Blocks; 0 … 4 or 10 = Position of the Communication Module;14 = I/O-Bus; 31 = Module itself

The identifier is not contained in the CI506-PNIO diagnosis block.

2) With “Device” the following allocation applies: ADR = Hardware address (e.g. of the CI506-PNIO)
3) With “Module” the following allocation applies dependent of the master: 31 = Module itself
4) All CANOPEN master and slave diagnostics are not available as PROFINET alarms; instead they can be read via PROFINET acyclic service. In AC500 PLC these are available in form of Function Blocks.

CAN2A Buffers 1…64 are mapped to the channel values 12…75, so the correlation value 11 has to be subtracted from the channel value to get the correct buffer number.

CAN2B Buffers 1…64 are mapped to the channel values 112…175, so the correlation value 111 has to be subtracted from the channel value to get the correct buffer number