Command ‘Configure trace’

Symbol: 08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_9b80c9721ab5012cc0a8640e00c906b8

Function: This command opens the Trace configuration dialog box.

Call: Context menu of the visualization element; Trace property of the visualization element.

Requirement: An element of type Trace is open in the editor.

Dialog box ‘Trace Configuration’

The tree view shows the trace configuration and allows navigation.

The top entry contains the trace name. When this entry is selected, the Record Settings group appears in the adjacent view.

An entry is located here for each variable that data was recorded continuously. When a variable is selected, the Variable Settings group appears in the adjacent view.

Add variable

Adds a new entry to the trace configuration.

Result: A blank configuration appears next to the new variable under Variable Settings. You configure the variable there.

Delete variable Removes the selected variable.

‘Recording settings’

A trigger can be configured in the trace only.
Task Task where data was recorded.
Record condition

Recording condition for which the application records data in runtime mode:

Variable (BOOL)

Comment Example: Acquiring data only when all conditions are true.

Measure for the time stamp that is recorded per data set.

  • ms: Time stamp (in milliseconds).
  • µs: Time stamp (in microseconds) for a task cycle time of 1 ms or less
Automatic restart 08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Recording starts automatically as soon as the trace has been started one time and then the controller was restarted. The trace configuration and the contents of the trace buffer are saved persistently to a file on the target system. Format: .trace.csv
Display The Edit Appearance dialog box opens.
Advanced The Advanced trace settings dialog box opens.
Copy from trace The Copy settings from trace instance dialog box opens. If you have already created an existing trace configuration from a trace object, then you can copy the configuration data to the visualization element. To do this, select the respective object.

See also

‘Variable settings’


Variable for recorded value.

  • Variable (valid data type)
  • property
  • Reference
  • Contents of the pointer
  • Array element (base type with valid data type)
  • Enumeration (base type with valid data type)

Valid data types are all standard types, exceptSTRING, WSTRING, and ARRAY.


Parameter whose value is acquired.

08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c : Input assistance lists ale valid parameters of the PLC.

08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b Enables toggling between Variable and Parameter
Attached axis

Y-axis of the trace diagram for the Variable.

08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b : Selection of the standard y-axis and the additional configured y-axes

Note: The additional configured y-axes are configured in the Edit Display Settings dialog box.

Display variable name

08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The trace graphs are displayed in tooltip with their variable names.

If a text is also specified in Description, then the text is displayed first with the variable names in parentheses.

Example: Sensor A (PLC_PRG.iSensor_A)

If Description does not contain any text, then the Display Variable Name property is activated automatically. Then only the name is displayed (example: PLC_PRG.iSensor_A).

08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The trace graphs are displayed in tooltip without their variable names. Only the text in Description is displayed.


Text for the tooltip. It is displayed when a visualization user moves the cursor in the trace diagram.

Example: Sensor A

The text is also entered into the GlobalTextList object and can be translated there.

Color Color of the graph in the diagram.
Line type

Representation of the graph as a line chart

  • Line: Values are linked to form a line.
  • Step: Values are linked in the form of steps.
  • None: Values are not linked.
Line width

In pixels

Example: 1

Line style The display of the line is solid, dash, dot, dash-dot, or dash-dot-dot.
Dot type

Representation of the graph as a scatter chart. This configuration entry with the Line type determines the appearance of the graph.

  • Dot: Each value as a dot.
  • Cross: Each value as a cross.
  • None

Note: For Dot or Cross, a paint buffer overflow can result from many recorded variables.

Warning at minimum 08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : When below the lower limit, the visualization shows the trace graphs in the alert color.
Critical lower limit

Minimum Value

Example: 10.

Color Warning color on falling below the limit
Warning at maximum 08983d75bfbf02e6c0a8640e00d44d69_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : When above the upper limit, the visualization shows the trace graphs in the alert color.
Critical upper limit

Maximum value

Example: 90

Color Warning color on exceeding the limit
Dynamic appearance options  
Variable for visibility

Variable (BOOL) or as bit access. This controls the visibility of the variables in the trace diagram.

  • TRUE: Visible
  • FALSE: Invisible

See also