Command ‘Multiply visualization element’

Symbol: 2649f6cfbfb5694bc0a8640e00ef841f_a2057ee0eb18fc62c0a8640e01105f0a

Function: This command opens the dialog box Multiply visu element to configure the multiplication of a template element.

Call: Menu bar: Visualization; context menu

Requirement: The visualization is active and a configured template element is selected.

Dialog box ‘Multiply visualization element’

When multiplying, CODESYS inserts additional elements that originate from the template element. CODESYS inserts the new elements as a table, column, or row.

In this dialog box, you configure the multiplication of elements and the arrangement of multiplied elements.

Tab ‘Basic settings’

Total number of elements

CODESYS inserts the multiplied elements as a table.



Number of elements per row

Corresponds to the amount of array components in $FIRSTDIM$


Number of elements per column

For two-dimensional arrays, this information corresponds to the value in $SECONDDIM$.

Offset between elements
  • 0: The frames of the elements overlap by one pixel.
  • 1: The elements touch.
  • <n>: A distance of n-1 pixel is visible between the elements.
Horizontal Row distance between elements (in pixels)
Vertical Column distance between elements (in pixels)
Arrangement of elements
From top left

Origin for the arrangement of elements.

The configured Arrangement of elements and the configured Orientation are displayed in the Preview window.

From top right
From bottom left
From bottom right
Line by line

Table padding by row or column.

The configured Arrangement of elements and the configured Orientation are displayed in the Preview window.

Column by column

Tab ‘Advanced settings’

Array access
Start index
  • 1st dimension: Start index for $FIRSTDIM$

    Preset: The lower limit of the array index that is addressed by $FIRSTDIM$.


    PROGRAM Main


    arr2Dim : ARRAY [1..5, 10..20] OF INT;


    Use in visualization element: Main.arr2Dim[3,$FIRSTDIM$]

    Preset; 10

  • 2nd dimension: Start index for $SECONDDIM$

    Preset: The lower limit of the array index that is addressed by $SECONDDIM$.


    PROGRAM Main


    arr2Dim : ARRAY [1..5, 10..20] OF INT;


    Use in visualization element: Main.arr2Dim[$FIRSTDIM$, $SECONDDIM$]

    Preset: 10


Interval to increment the respective index

Preset: 1

See also