Animating a Color Display¶
The property
, which certain elements have, is for the color animation of the element. If you assign a variable there, then you can program color changes in the application code or configure a user input that leads to a color change.Hexadecimal color definition
The display of color is based on the basic colors red, green and blue plus the transparency. The color value can be specified as a hexadecimal color definition in red/green/blue portions in the RGB color space. In addition, one byte is reserved for the degree of transparency.
- TT: byte for the degree of transparency
- RR: byte for the red portion
- GG: byte for the green portion
- BB: byte for the blue portion
One byte is reserved for each color portion for 256 color steps from 16#FF
to 16#00
. 16#FF
means 100% color portion, 16#00
means no color portion. The value for the degree of transparency is 16#FF
for fully opaque and 16#00
for transparent.
There is a setting Activate semi-transparent drawing in the visualization manager. The leading byte of the color definition is evaluated by the visualization as a transparency value only if this setting is activated.
Configuring a visualization element for color animation
Globally declare the color variables, for example
.Open the visualization.
Select an element in the visualization editor.
- ⇒
The view Properties opens.
Configure the property
. An input assistant is available for this via.
Configure the property
.Program the variable
in the application code.- ⇒
The element is displayed with the color that the color variable supplies. The color assignment is thus dynamic.
Global declaration of color variables:
dwBlue: DWORD := 16#FF0000FF; //Blue, highly opaque
dwGreen: DWORD := 16#FF00FF00; //Green, highly opaque
dwYellow: DWORD := 16#FFFFFF00; //Yellow, highly opaque
dwGrey : DWORD :=16#88888888; //Grey, semitransparent
dwBlack : DWORD := 16#88000000; //Black, semitransparent
dwAlarm: DWORD := 16#FFFF0000; //Red, highly opaque
Application code:
bInit : BOOL := TRUE;
bChangeColor : BOOL;
dwColorElement : DWORD;
dwColorElement := dwGreen;
IF bChangeColor = TRUE THEN
dwColorElement := dwYellow;
bChangeColor = FALSE;
See also