Animating a Text Display

An animation of the text display can be configured in the property Font variables. All basic elements have this property as well as tables, scrollbars and text fields.

  1. Open the visualization and add an element Rectangle.

    The view Properties displays the configuration of the element.

  2. Configure the property Texts ‣ Text with Important:

  3. In the application in the POU PLC_PRG, declare a type-compliant variable:

    iFontHeight : INT;

  4. Configure the property Font variables ‣ Size with PLC_PRG.iFontHeight.

  5. Implement a change of the font size.

    iFontHeight := iFontHeight + 1) MOD 20;

  6. Compile, load and start the application.

    The application runs. The visualization opens. The rectangle is labelled with Important. The font size grows from 1 to 20.

See also