Visualization Element ‘Spin’

Symbol: 716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_5ebbe700839d045fc0a8640e01354b9d

Tag: Common controls

This element increments or decrements the value of a variable in defined intervals.

Element properties

Element name


Tip: Assign individual names for elements so that they are found faster in the element list.

Example: Speed_Conveyor

Element type spin

Element property ‘Position’

The position defines the location and size of the element in the visualization window. These are based on the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is located at the upper left corner of the window. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.


X coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Specified in pixels.

Example: 150


Specified in pixels.

Example: 30


You can also change the values by dragging the box symbols ( 716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_7b449e02d0393877c0a8640e01fd8c9e ) to other positions in the editor.

See also

Variable Variable with a numeric data type (example: PLC_PRG.iTemp)
Number format The format of the value in printf syntax (example: %d, %5.2f)
Interval Interval used for modification of the value.

Element property ‘Value range’

Minimum value

Lower limit of the output value

  • fixed value
  • Variable (INT)
Maximum value

Upper limit of the output value

  • fixed value
  • Variable (INT)

Element property ‘Text properties’

The properties contain fixed values for the text properties.

Usage of
  • Default style values: The values of the visualization style are used.
  • Individual settings: The “Individual text properties” property group is shown The values can be customized here.

Individual text properties

Requirement: The Individual settings text property is defined.

Horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment of the text within the element.
Vertical alignment Vertical alignment of the text within the element.

Example: Default

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c : The Font dialog box opens.

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb : Drop-down list with style fonts.

Font color

Example: Black

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c : The Color dialog box opens.

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb : Drop-down list with style colors.


Whole number (value range from 0 to 255). This determines the transparency of the respective color.

Example: 255: The color is opaque.

0: The color is completely transparent.

Please note: If the color is a style color and already has a transparency value, then this property is write-protected.

Element properties ‘Color variables’

The properties contains variables for dynamically controlling variables.

Toggle color

Dynamic control of toggle color

  • With variable (BOOL)

    Example: prgA.bIsAlarm

    FALSE: Element is displayed with the color defined in the Color property.

    TRUE: Element is displayed with the color defined in the Alarm color property.

  • With placeholder <toggle/tap variable> Then the toggle color is no longer controlled with a separate variable, but the an existing variable provided as a control variable of the property Input configuration ‣ Tap or the property Input configuration ‣ Toggle.

    Requirement: A variable is assigned in one of these properties. If a variable is assigned in both properties, then the variable in Input configuration ‣ Tap used.

    You can remove the placeholder by selecting it and pressing Del. Then the 716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_ef4de0a04760a8eac0a8640e013d05ca symbol appears in the value field.

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_ef4de0a04760a8eac0a8640e013d05ca : Click the command icon to insert the placeholder <toggle/tap variable>.

See also

Element property ‘State variables’

The variables control the element behavior dynamically.


Variable (BOOL). Toggles the visibility of the element.

TRUE: The element is not visible at runtime.

Deactivate inputs

Variable (BOOL). Toggles the operability of the element.

TRUE: User inputs do not have any effect in runtime more. The element is shown as deactivated.

Element property ‘Input configuration’

The properties contain the configurations for the user input when using the mouse or keyboard. User input is a user event from the perspective of the element.


The input configuration refers to the text area of the element only, not the two buttons.

The Configure button opens the Input configuration dialog box for creating or modifying a user input configuration.

A configuration contains one or more input actions for the respective input event. Existing input actions are displayed below it.

Example: Execute ST code: 716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_c28d6f8fef486445c0a8640e01d20032 PLC_PRG.i_x := 0;

OnDialogClosed Input event: The user closes the dialog box.
OnMouseClick Input event: The user clicks the element completely. The mouse button is clicked and released.
OnMouseDown Input event: The user clicks down on the element only.
OnMouseEnter Input event: The user drags the mouse pointer to the element.
OnMouseLeave Input event: The user drags the mouse pointer away from the element.
OnMouseMove Input event: The user moves the mouse pointer over the element area.
OnMouseUp Input event: The user releases the mouse button over the element area.

See also

Tap When a mouse click event occurs, the variable defined in Variable is described in the application. The coding depends on the options Tap FALSE and Tap on enter if captured.

Variable (BOOL). Contains the information whether a mouse click event exists.

Example: PLC_PRG.bIsTapped

TRUE: A mouse click event exists. It lasts while the user presses the mouse button over the element. It ends when the button is released.

FALSE: A mouse click event does not exist.

Requirement: The Tap FALSE option is not activated.


716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The mouse click event leads to a complementary value in Variable.

TRUE: A mouse click event does not exist.

FALSE: While the mouse click event exists.

Tap on enter if captured

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : During user input, it is also taken into consideration whether the mouse pointer is dragged within the element area or not while the mouse button is pressed.

TRUE: While the mouse click event exists and the mouse pointer is moved over the element area.

FALSE: A mouse click event does not exist. Or the user moves the mouse pointer outside of the element area while the mouse button is pressed.

The value is TRUE again as soon as the user moves the pointer back to the element area. The mouse is then captured.

Shift When a mouse click event occurs, the variable here is described in the application. When the mouse click event ends, its value is toggled with the Toggle on up if captured option.

Variable (BOOL). Its value toggled when the mouse click event is ended. This is when the user releases the mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the element area.

If the user releases the mouse button while the mouse pointer is outside of the element area, then the mouse click event is not ended and the value is not toggled.

Tip: The user can cancel a started toggle input by dragging the mouse pointer out of the element area.

Toggle on up if captured 716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The value toggles regardless of where the mouse pointer is when the mouse button is released. The mouse is then captured.

Keyboard shortcut on the element for triggering specific input actions.

When the keyboard shortcut event occurs, the input actions in the Event(s) property are triggered. In this way, it is not the input action itself that leads to this input action, but the mouse input action.


Key pressed for input action.

Example: T

Note: The following properties appear when a key is selected.

  • None
  • Mouse down: Pressing the key triggers the input actions that are configured in the OnMouseDown property.
  • Mouse up: Releasing the key triggers the input actions that are configured in the OnMouseUp property.
  • Mouse down/up: Pressing and releasing the key triggers the input actions that are configured in the OnMouseDown property and the OnMouseUp property.

716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Combination with the Shift key

Example: Shift+T.


716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Combination with the Ctrl key

Example: Ctrl+T.


716b6d881a43df29c0a8640e01fd9922_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Combination with the Alt key

Example: Alt+T.


All keyboard shortcuts and their actions that are configured in the visualization are listed in the Keyboard configuration tab.

See also