Visualization Element ‘Slider’

Symbol: 00f9272ade716abdc0a8640e00cdcc73_6445a5ba26bb06c2c0a8640e00532ef9

Tag: Common controls

This element adjusts the value of a variable, depending on the position of the slider within the slider bar. You define the value range of the slider bar by means of the scale start and scale end.

Element properties

Element name


Tip: Assign individual names for elements so that they are found faster in the element list.

Example: Speed_Conveyor_1

Element type Slider

Element property ‘Position’

The position defines the location and size of the element in the visualization window. These are based on the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is located at the upper left corner of the window. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.


X coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Specified in pixels.

Example: 150


Specified in pixels.

Example: 30


You can also change the values by dragging the box symbols ( 00f9272ade716abdc0a8640e00cdcc73_7b449e02d0393877c0a8640e01fd8c9e ) to other positions in the editor.

See also


Variable with a numeric data type (example: PLC_PRG.iSlider)

When executed, the variable assigns a value that corresponds to the position of the slider in the bar.

Page size

Page size

  • as a fixed value, for example 10
  • as an IEC variable of data type integer

Requirement: The Move to click element property is not activated.

Move to click

Function of the slider at visualization runtime when it is clicked:

00f9272ade716abdc0a8640e00cdcc73_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The slider moves to the clicked position.

00f9272ade716abdc0a8640e00cdcc73_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The slider moves to the value (defined in the Page size element property) in the direction of the click.

Element property ‘Scale’

Show scale

00f9272ade716abdc0a8640e00cdcc73_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The element has a visible scale.

Note: This option is available for the slider only.

Scale start Lowest value of the scale and the lower limit of the value range for the element (example : 0).
Scale end Highest value of the scale and the upper limit of the value range for the element (example : 100).
Main scale Distance between two tick marks of the rough scale (example: 10).
Subscale Distance between two tick marks of the fine scale (example: 2). You can hide the fine scale by setting the value to 0.
Scale format (C Syntax)

Formatting of the scale label (example: %d %s)

Note: This property is available for the slider only.

Scale proportion Size of the scale (in %) of the total size

Element property ‘Bar’

The property defines the representation of scaling and direction of travel.

Diagram type

The drop-down list varies depending on the alignment of the diagram.


  • Top: Scale is above the slider.
  • Bottom: Scale is below the slider.
  • Top and bottom: Two scales frame the slider above and below.


  • Left: Scale is left of the slider.
  • Right: Scale is right of the slider.
  • Left and right: Two scales frame the slider on the left and the right.

Alignment of the slider; defined by the ratio of width to height.

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical

You can modify the alignment in the visualization editor by using the pointing device to adjust the width and height of the scrollbar.

Running direction

The drop-down list varies depending on the alignment of the slider.


  • Left to right: Scale starts at the left.
  • Right to left: Scale starts at the right.


  • Bottom to top: Scale starts at the bottom.
  • Top to bottom: Scale starts at the top.

Element property ‘State variables’

The variables control the element behavior dynamically.


Variable (BOOL). Toggles the visibility of the element.

TRUE: The element is not visible at runtime.

Deactivate inputs

Variable (BOOL). Toggles the operability of the element.

TRUE: User inputs do not have any effect in runtime more. The element is shown as deactivated.