Command ‘Alignment’

Function: the command makes further commands available. It is used for the alignment of visualization elements in the window area of the visualization.

Call: Menu Visualization, context menu

See also

Command ‘Align left’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_5d510a3079bc9b6dc0a8640e01c57b41

Function: the command aligns the selected visualization elements along a line through the left-hand edge of the element that is positioned furthest left.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Align top’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_0ca6eb3e79c89c89c0a8640e01bc9327

Function: the command aligns the selected visualization elements along a line through the upper edge of the element that is positioned highest.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Align right’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_63ea6a6579c97464c0a8640e01a167e1

Function: the command aligns the selected visualization elements along a line through the right-hand edge of the element that is positioned furthest right.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Align bottom’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_ce2ecfbd79ca3afbc0a8640e011e244e

Function: the command aligns the selected visualization elements along a line through the lower edge of the element that is positioned lowest.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Align Vertical Center’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_2dec59cc79cb8550c0a8640e01d5d21e

Function: the command aligns the selected visualization elements to their common vertical center.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Align Horizontal Center’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_d63ee10679cc4f00c0a8640e0089e0c9

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements to their common horizontal center.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Make horizontal spacing equal’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_47c5165979d18dfec0a8640e00d71c6c

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the elements positioned furthest left and furthest right retain their position and the elements between them are positioned with the same horizontal spacing.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: 3 or more elements are selected. The first element is blue, while the other elements are displayed in grey.

Command ‘Increase horizontal spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_8573850b79d5169dc0a8640e00d1b1de

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with a larger horizontal spacing. The spacing increases by 1 pixel each time.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Decrease horizontal spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_bba1947779e167e8c0a8640e01aa71b0

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with a smaller horizontal spacing. The spacing decreases by 1 pixel each time.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Remove horizontal spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_a741e43e79d3f493c0a8640e0084d845

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with no horizontal spacing between them.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Make vertical spacing equal’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_384d3a1c79d29e47c0a8640e01f52a4f

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the uppermost and lowermost elements retain their position and the elements between them are positioned with the same vertical spacing.

Call: Menu Visualization, context menu

Requirement: 3 or more elements are selected. The first element is blue, while the other elements are displayed in grey.

Command ‘Increase vertical spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_7403599779d67b6ec0a8640e003fed29

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with a larger vertical spacing. The spacing increases by 1 pixel each time.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Decrease vertical spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_a25687f979d7dd73c0a8640e0138753c

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with a smaller vertical spacing. The spacing decreases by 1 pixel each time.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Remove vertical spacing’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_cb655b5f79d90effc0a8640e012f7561

Function: The command aligns the selected visualization elements so that the blue element retains its position and the other elements are positioned with no horizontal spacing between them.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.

Command ‘Make same width’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_cdd1b9ea79da73c8c0a8640e012b4f4a

Function: The command makes the width of the selected visualization elements the same as the width of the blue selected element.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected. The first element is blue, while the other elements are displayed in grey.


The command does not work with lines or polygons.

Command ‘Make same height’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_a26c47e379db57c9c0a8640e0025ac83

Function: The command makes the height of the selected visualization elements the same as the height of the blue selected element.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected. The first element is blue, while the other elements are displayed in grey.


The command does not work with lines or polygons.

Command ‘Make same size’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_d24da8ec79dbd12dc0a8640e019e7388

Function: The command makes the size of the selected visualization elements the same as the size of the blue selected element.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected. The first element is blue, while the other elements are displayed in grey.


The command does not work with lines or polygons.

Command ‘Size to grid’

Symbol: 79e1e2d7bf97c1acc0a8640e002ea204_22d90d7079dc6b4bc0a8640e01cb8229

Function: The command aligns the size and position of the selected visualization elements to the grid.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Alignment, context menu

Requirement: Several elements are selected.


The command does not work with lines or polygons.