Command ‘Order’

Function: The command makes further commands available. They are for specifying the order of the elements in levels, since elements in the rear levels are concealed by those in the front levels.

Call: Menu Visualization, context menu

Requirement: The visualization elements are positioned behind one another.

See also

Command ‘Bring to front’

Symbol: f04ee5bdbf8ed5fec0a8640e005674f9_e942f3327962287fc0a8640e01e8d875

Function: The command positions the selected visualization element in the front level. The element becomes completely visible.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Order, context menu

Command ‘Bring one to front’

Symbol: f04ee5bdbf8ed5fec0a8640e005674f9_233ee1f479630382c0a8640e01261159

Function: The command positions the selected visualization element one level further forwards.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Order, context menu

Command ‘Send to back’

Symbol: f04ee5bdbf8ed5fec0a8640e005674f9_5c416f4879640141c0a8640e01ed24f9

Function: The command positions the selected visualization element in the back level.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Order, context menu

Command ‘Send one to back’

Symbol: f04ee5bdbf8ed5fec0a8640e005674f9_14cf81af796bcf5ec0a8640e0153e7ae

Function: The command positions the selected visualization element one level further backwards.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Order, context menu