Visualization Element ‘Trend’

Symbol: 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_485838bd848aff59c0a8640e000f6557

Tag: Special control elements

This element displays the graphical curve of variable values over a longer period of time. It provides additional controls for the view.

Element properties

Element name Example: Velocity
Application 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_65b3e7e90bd231f0c0a8640e016aeb4e : Application that contains the trend recording. Specified with full instance name: <device name>.<application name> (example: Device.App).
Element type Trend
Trend recording

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_a26874400bef7d7ac0a8640e00e35673 : Trend recording that is visualized. Clicking the symbol opens the Selection trend recording dialog box.

In this dialog, you assign a trend recording to the visualization element.

Diagram 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_4fa3487e0bf45af2c0a8640e00f3d5ce : Clicking the field opens the Edit display settings dialog box.

See also

Element property ‘Position’

The position defines the location and size of the element in the visualization window. These are based on the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is located at the upper left corner of the window. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.


X coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Specified in pixels.

Example: 150


Specified in pixels.

Example: 30


You can also change the values by dragging the box symbols ( 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_7b449e02d0393877c0a8640e01fd8c9e ) to other positions in the editor.

See also

Display cursor 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : A cursor (vertical line) is displayed at the mouse position.
Display tool tip

Requirement: Show cursor is activated.

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The information about the variable is displayed in a tooltip at the cursor position.

Show frame 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The visualization element is displayed with a frame.
Number format Number format of values in the tooltip and in the legend in printf syntax (example: %d, %5.2f).

Element property ‘Tick mark labels’

Time stamp

Absolute time stamps: The values of the time stamps are displayed in absolute time. Example: 18.03.2016, 14:05:30:000

The display formatting can be adjusted in the property Internationalization (format strings).

Two-line labelling

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The time stamps are displayed in two lines. The date is displayed in the first line and the time is displayed in the second line.

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Time stamp is displayed in one line. The date and time can also be displayed in one line depending on the formatting.

Omit irrelevant information in time stamp

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The time stamp has a shorter form. For example, the date is displayed only for the first tick mark, and only the time for the following tick marks. The settings in Internationalization (format strings) are ignored for this setting.

8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : All information is displayed for each time stamp.

Internationalization (format strings) Only active when the parameter Omit irrelevant information in timestamps is deactivated.
Date Definition of the date format. The default setting is taken from the Windows control panel.
Time Definition of the time format. The default setting is taken from the Windows control panel.

Element property ‘Assigned control elements’

These elements are created automatically when the control elements are added with the command Insert elements for controlling trend.

Date range picker Control element for changing the date and time of the displayed data sets. With 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c , all elements are provided that have implemented the interface IDateRangeSelector. By default, instances of the Date range picker visualization element are available.
Time picker Control element for changing the time of the displayed data sets. With 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c , all elements are provided that have implemented the interface ITimeSelector. By default, instances of the Time range picker visualization element are available.
Legend Control element for displaying a legend for the graphs. With 8df90b8177e87a5fc0a8640e0090020f_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c , all elements are provided that have implemented the interface ILegendDisplayer.

See also