Command ‘Configure appearance settings of the trend’

Symbol: 479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_4fa3487e0bf45af2c0a8640e00f3d5ce

Function: When you execute this command in Visualization or in the context menu, the Edit display settings dialog box opens.


  • Menu bar: Visualization
  • Context menu of a Trend element in the visualization editor
  • Property Diagram

Requirement: A trend is selected in the active visualization editor.

Tab X axis

Grid 479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Trend diagram with grid lines in the x-direction in the selected color
Font Font for the axis label

Tab Y axis

Display mode
  • Auto
479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : The visualization scales automatically.
  • Fixed
479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : Fixed range from Minimum to Maximum

Start value of the range

Requirement: Fixed is activated.


End value of the range

Requirement: Fixed is activated.

Grid 479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Trend diagram with grid lines in the y-direction in the selected color
Description 479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Text for labeling the y-axis (for example, DC/mA)
Tick marks
Fixed spacing 479adf1e77e867b4c0a8640e01215e0b_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Axis scale with tick marks for Distance and Subdivisions
Distance Distance between tick marks (example: 2)
Subdivisions Number of subdivisions between tick marks (example: 4)
Font Font for the axis label
From visualization style Background color as defined in the visualization style
Draw background Background color that is selected in the lower input field
No background Trend diagram with transparent background
Background color of the trend diagram Requirement: Draw background is activated.
Reset Resets the settings to the default settings
Use as default Stores settings as default
Add y-axis

Extends the trend diagram by one y-axis

Result: The Trend recording editor contains an extended selection of y-axes in the Additional axes option of the Variable Settings.

Delete y-axis Deletes the y-axis of the visible tab.

See also