Dialog ‘Configure tags and items’

Function: The dialog is for the management of the identifiers in a tree view. The assigned elements are listed underneath an identifier. User-defined identifiers can be created and their assignment to the visualization elements edited. The name of the identifier appears in the ToolBox view as a label on the button for opening the element selection.

Call: Click on symbol a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_ffece4b9ee84a514c0a8640e00443a51 in the view Tools

See also

Tree view


Tree view

  • a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_07d591e9e2b35781c0a8640e000fd61b <Name>: preset identifier

  • a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_a297f070ee603e67c0a8640e0051f28a <Name>: user-defined identifier

    Example: Favorite


Lists the assigned visualization elements. A selected visualization element can be removed by clicking on Del.

Hint: the assignment is created in the view ToolBox with the help of the context menu of a selected element.

Active a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : a button for the identifier is visible in the ToolBox view.


a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_2851a85dee48c4edc0a8640e0033727d The dialog Add tag opens.
a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_fe609f6fee8db077c0a8640e00f9271c or Del The tag selected in the tree view is removed. If you close the dialog with OK, the button is also removed from the view ToolBox.

Dialog ‘Add tag

Call: Click on the a2ac40f1fdad64bdc0a8640e0133bd8e_2851a85dee48c4edc0a8640e0033727d symbol in the dialog Configure tags and items


Name of the tag

Example: tagA

Description Example: Tagged with A