Selecting an Element

The view ToolBox provides the following elements for selection:

  • All visualization elements that define the set visualization profile.
  • Image elements for all images in the project from the integrated libraries or the symbol libraries.
  • Frame elements for all visualizations in the project or from the libraries.


The currently set visualization profile and the symbol libraries currently in use can be seen in the Project settings.

The elements are summarized into certain categories, for each of which there is a button in ToolBox. These categories are created by providing each element with a certain “identifier”, which appears as the button label.

The elements of all “pressed” identifiers appear in ToolBox as thumbnails for selection. It is also possible to search by element name.

Simply drag the element thumbnail with the mouse to the desired position in the editor window. The configurable properties of the element then automatically appear in the view Properties of the visualization editor.

See also

Creating or removing an identifier for element categories

Requirement: the visualization editor is opened.

  1. Click on the button eafc4c4ef7fdfdeec0a8640e016c56d9_ffece4b9ee84a514c0a8640e00443a51 in the view ToolBox.

    The dialog Configure tags and items appears.

  2. In the dialog, open the Add tag dialog by clicking on eafc4c4ef7fdfdeec0a8640e016c56d9_2851a85dee48c4edc0a8640e0033727d . Please note: you can delete the definition of an identifier with eafc4c4ef7fdfdeec0a8640e016c56d9_fe609f6fee8db077c0a8640e00f9271c or Del.

  3. Enter a name in the Name input field, for example tagA, and exit the dialog with OK.

    The new user-defined identifier tagA is inserted at the bottom in the tree view in the dialog Configure tags and items. It is provided with the symbol eafc4c4ef7fdfdeec0a8640e016c56d9_a297f070ee603e67c0a8640e0051f28a .

  4. Click on the option Activate for the new identifier and exit the dialog with OK.

    CODESYS adds a button tagA to the view ToolBox. By clicking on the button you can filter according to the new identifier.

See also

Marking a visualization element

Requirement: the visualization editor is opened. You have already created a user-defined identifier tagA. A button labelled with tagA is visible in the view Tools.

  1. Click on an element in the view ToolBox and open the context menu.

    A context menu appears. It contains the commands Add entry to identifier ‘tagA’ and Add to identifier.

  2. Select the command Add entry to identifier “tagA” and close the dialog with OK.

    The element is marked with ‘tagA’.

  3. Click on the button tagA.

    All elements assigned to this identifier appear, including the element that has just been assigned.

See also