Tab ‘Visualization Manager’ - ‘Dialog settings’

Symbol: af38fa9e4760b785c0a864632a952e32_17cb8c5ea8c98122c0a8640e0115d015

This tab contains default settings for the dialogs that are used in the visualization in runtime mode for text input and user management. In the input configuration of the respective visualization element, you define the dialog to be used.


The global settings in the Visualization Manager are effective for use in a web visualization only.

If a corresponding setting is also available in the input configuration of the respective visualization element, then it is used.

Settings for default text input
Numpad Dialog in the form of a numeric keypad that the visualization calls in runtime mode when the user activates the input field for a number (preset: VisuDialogs.Numpad).
Keypad Dialog in the form of a keyboard that the visualization calls in runtime mode when the user activates the input field for a text. Preset: VisuDialogs.Keypad
Use text input with limitation

Requirement: CODESYS Web Visualization is configured as display variant and the Default text input is Keyboard. Then the visualization supports keyboard input at runtime.

af38fa9e4760b785c0a864632a952e32_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : For inputting a restricted value range, you can open a dialog (instead of an input field) that displays the value range.

Preset:VisuDialogs.TextinputWithLimits. This dialog shows the value range accepts values only within the given range.

Global position settings for numpad / keypad
  • Centered: The dialog opens in the center of the screen.

  • Open centered on the element: The dialog opens on the element and covers it.

  • Open next to the element: The dialog is placed next to the element dynamically and optimized.

  • Open at defined position: The dialog opens in the visualization window at the position defined here.

    X, Y: Variable or explicit number (in pixels) for the definition of the upper left corner of the dialog in the coordinate system of the visualization window.

Note: The origin of the coordinate system of the visualization is located in the upper left corner. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.

Settings for user management dialogs

You can configure your visualization with a user management. To do this, configure an element input for opening a user management. The VisuUserManagement library provides ready-made dialog visualizations for this purpose. The library is located in the installation directory (example: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\3S CODESYS\\CODESYS\\Projects\\Visu\\Dialogs\\VisuUserMgmtDialogs.library).

You can also use other visualizations as user management dialogs. The presets must be changed here in order to do this.

Login dialog

User management dialog for login, prompting the user for a user name and password. The dialog appears in the input event for an element that executes the follow-up action User management, Login.

Preset: VisuUserManagement.VUM_Login

Change password dialog

User management dialog for changing the password, prompting the user for the current and new passwords. The dialog appears in the input event for an element that executes the follow-up action User management, Change user password

Preset: VisuUserManagement.ChangePassword

Change configuration dialog

User management dialog for changing the configuration, displaying the current user configuration and the option to change it. The dialog appears in the input event that executes the follow-up action User Management, Open user configuration.

Preset: VisuUserManagement.VUM_UserManagement

See also