Command ‘Elementlist’

Symbol: c1d9dedcbf8a2956c0a8640e00ff38af_db6d6bdec2a777fac0a8640e018e1d3c

Function: The command opens the Elementlist tab for the current visualization. It is displayed in the upper part of the visualization editor.

Call: Menu Visualization

Requirement: A visualization is open in the editor.

Tab ‘Elementlist’

This view provides a list of the visualization elements in the currently opened visualization. The selection is always synchronized with the selection in the main window of the visualization editor. Grouped elements are displayed in a tree structure. The order of the elements in this list from top to bottom is the same as the order of their positions in the display levels of the visualization from back to front. If an element is shifted forwards or backwards in the editor window with the commands from the menu Visualization ‣ Order, the element list is automatically updated.

Type Element type and symbol as used in the view Tools, as well as the element number that initially arises from the order of insertion.
X, Position of the top left corner of the element (0,0 = top left corner of the visualization area).
Width Dimensions of the element in pixels.
ID Internally assigned element identifier
Name Element name as defined in Properties ‣ Element name.
Access rights If the behavior of an element is restricted for some user groups, this is marked by a padlock symbol c1d9dedcbf8a2956c0a8640e00ff38af_fc1fe5f6f9af55f6c0a8640e01cf9a59 .

See also