Visualization element ‘Busy symbol – Flower’

Symbol: d1c968c7f82dc4bdc0a8640e00863f28_7249b9686e9b1b65c0a8640e01efbc1f

Tag: Special controls

This element indicates that the system is busy or waiting for data.

Element properties

Element name


Tip: Assign individual names for elements so that they are found faster in the element list.

Example: Data_Transfer

Element type Busy symbol – Flower

Element property ‘Position’

The position defines the location and size of the element in the visualization window. These are based on the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is located at the upper left corner of the window. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.


X coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Specified in pixels.

Example: 150


Specified in pixels.

Example: 30


You can also change the values by dragging the box symbols ( d1c968c7f82dc4bdc0a8640e00863f28_7b449e02d0393877c0a8640e01fd8c9e ) to other positions in the editor.

See also

Element property ‘Colors’

The properties contain fixed values for setting colors.

Frame color  
Fill color  

Value (0 to 255) for defining the transparency of the selected color.

Example 255: The color is opaque. 0: The color is completely transparent.

See also

Element property ‘Appearance’

The properties contain fixed values for setting the look of the element.

Line width

Value in pixels

Example: 2

Note: The values 0 and 1 both result in a line weight of 1 pixel. If no line should be displayed, then the Line style property must be set to the option Invisible.

Fill attributes

The way in which the element is filled.

  • Filled:The element is filled with the color from property Colors ‣ Fill color.
  • Invisible: The fill color is invisible.
Line style

Type of line representation

  • Solid
  • Dashes
  • Dots
  • Dash Dot
  • Dash Dot Dot
  • not visible


You can assign variables in the Appearance variables property for controlling the appearance dynamically. The fixed values here are overwritten.

See also

Symbol color Selection of a color for the flower symbol.
Line Stroke width of the lines (in pixels).

Element property ‘State variables’

The variables control the element behavior dynamically.


Variable (BOOL). Toggles the visibility of the element.

TRUE: The element is not visible at runtime.