The application layer is the communication layer with which the send and receive blocks work.
This parameter concerns only setpoints and commands. If this parameter is checked, an acknowledgement with set ‘actterm’ is generated as reason for transmission at the time at which the receive block is computed and outputs its telecontrol data at its output pins. On transmission side, the data block awaits the reception of this ACTTERM acknowledgement and reacts with its corresponding output (see IEC60870 Library: IEC60870 Library
If this option is not enabled (default), a message that was sent is considered as ok as soon as transmission was successful. If you enable this option, a message that was sent is not considered as ok until a success message (foreign acknowledge) is returned from the receiver.
Application timeout
This time indicates how long an acknowledgement will be awaited on the application level. An acknowledgement is generated only for commands and setpoints on the application level.
Station address
The station address defines which station will be subject to a count query. The values define the 2 bytes for the common telecontrol address (Common addr.). The values concerned are as follows:
0: The station address is not used.
1…254: The count is queried on the station defined by the station address.
255: The count is queried on all accessible stations.
After each new establishment of a link and once per hour, a ‘coarse time synchronisation’ message is generated. This time synchronisation is only supported from AC500 to external systems. Time synchronisation from an external system to AC500 is not provided! Incoming time synchronisation messages are confirmed by the process station but not executed. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is used as the time for the synchronisation.
Send ‘Init end’ after reconnection
After each establishment of a link or only in connection with the first establishment of a link and after reconfiguration, an init end message is generated. After the init end message, there is a general inquiry, if configured.