Configuration of FTP Server (>= CBP 2.4)\ \ \

  1. Under Ethernet -> Protocols add a new object and select FTP server from the list.

  2. Double-click the FTP_Server item to open FTP server configuration. Depending on the PLC device all or some of the following parameters and options are available:

Parameter Default Value Description
Configuration for ETH1 ETH1/ETH2 Select the desired ETHERNET connection used for FTP server.
FTP Server      
  Allow Firmware update Disabled Enabled CBP firmware/Automation_Builder firmware is not updated automatically. You can download a PLC firmware to the ramdisk and the PLC will automatically update the device with the downloaded firmware. Afterwards a restart of the PLC is required. For further details see FW_UPDATE_DOCUMENTATION.
Disabled CBP firmware is updated automatically.
  Port 21 1…x Enter the TCP/IP-Port used to connect to the FTP server on the PLC.
  Sessions 1 1…4 Enter the max. number of allowed simultaneous and parallel connections to the FTP server. Each session uses one socket. Note: Some FTP clients require several connections to work.
Passwords - - Set each user’s passwords for login. No entry = no password.
  root - -  
  ramdisk - - The system ramdisk should only be used for firmware updates.
  sdcard - - Inserted SD card.
  userdisk - - User section of the flashdisk.
  flashdisk - - Only available with PM5675-2ETH
  sramdisk - -  
  1. Create configuration & download project to PLC.

  2. If the TCP protocol listens on the configured FTP port, the server is ready for login.
