Connection to a PLC Running a FTP Server¶
After activating the FTP server, you can log onto the PLC from a PC with a FTP client. In the following example the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer has been used:
Start the FTP client application.
Enter the URL with the syntax:
“ftp://<USERNAME>:<USER_PASSWORD>@<HOST_IP>:<PORT>” into the address line with:
“USERNAME” to the drive you want to access;
“USER_PASSWORD” to the password of the user set in the Automation Builder;
“HOST_IP” to the IP address of your target PLC running the FTP server;
“PORT” to the FTP port configured in the Automation Builder;
for example:
Connect to the PLC (Press “Enter”-key).
If the connection has been established successfully, Internet Explorer will show the available contents of the root directory of the chosen user (i.e. the available drives is logged in as “root” as shown above). For further details on usage of a FTP client please refer to its documentation.