Configuration of a PROFIBUS DP Master

Double-click on Profibus_Master_x (Profibus_Master) to open the “Profibus_Master” configuration in the editor window:


Most of the parameters are calculated automatically. Click Edit parameter values to change the parameters manually. Once edited, click Set optimal values to calculate the optimal values. Set     default values can be used to revert all parameters to the default values.


All times for the PROFIBUS parameters are given in bit time [tBit]. The bit time is the result of the reciprocal of the baudrate:

tBit = 1 / baudrate in [bit/s]

The conversion from milliseconds into a bit time is shown in following formula:

tBit = Time in [ms] * baudrate in [bit/s]

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning


(Remark 1 Configuration of a PROFIBUS DP Master)

Station address 1 0…125 The Station Address is the individual device address of the Master device on the bus. DpParameter -> Station address
Highest station address 126 0…126 The Highest station address is the highest bus address up to which a master searches for another master at the bus in order to pass on the token. This station address must on no account be smaller than the master station address. DpParameter -> Highest station address
Auto-Clear mode Enabled Disabled The Master Operation Mode will stay in the mode Operate and the communication to all available Slaves is kept up. AutoClearSupported
Enabled The Masters Operation Mode will change from Operate to Clear and it shuts down the communication to all assigned slaves, if at least 1 slave is not responding within the Data Control Time.
Bus parameters


see Device Description CM592: Electrical Connection












The baudrate is the data transfer speed in [kBit/s].

The baudrate must be set to be the same for all devices on the bus. The result of changing the baudrate is that all other parameters must be recalculated.

DpParameter -> Baudrate
Slot time 300 37.. 65535 Wait for receipt ““ Monitoring time of the sender (requestor) of telegram for the acknowledgement of the recipient (Responder). After expiration, a retry occurs in accordance with the value of Max. telegram retries. DpParameter -> TSL
Min. TSDR 11 1…65535 This is the shortest time period that must elapsed before a remote recipient (responder) may send an acknowledgement of a received query telegram. The shortest time period between reception of the last bit of a telegram to the sending of the first bit of a following telegram. DpParameter -> Min. TSDR
Max. TSDR 150 1…65535

This is the longest time period that must elapse before a sender (requestor) may send a further query telegram. Greatest time period between reception of the last bit of a telegram to the sending of the first bit of a following telegram.

The sender (requestor, master) must wait at least for this time period after the sending of an unacknowledged telegram (e.g. broadcast only) before a new telegram is sent.

DpParameter -> Max. TSDR
Quiet time 0 0…127 This is the time delay that occurs for modulators (modulator-trip time) and repeaters (repeater-switch time) for the change over from sending to receiving. DpParameter -> TQUI
Setup time 1 0…255 Minimum period “reaction time” between the receipt of an acknowledgement to the sending of a new query telegram (reaction) by the sender (requestor). DpParameter -> TSET
Target rotation time 11894

1.. 2

-1 (=16777215)

Pre-set nominal token cycling time within the sender authorization (token) will cycle around the ring. How much time the master still has available for sending data telegrams to the slaves is dependent on the difference between the nominal and the actual token cycling time.

The Target rotation time (TTR) is shown in Bit times [tBit] like the other bus parameters. Below the displayed bit time, the Target rotation time is also displayed in [ms].

The default value depends on the number of slaves attached to the master and their module configuration.

DpParameter -> TTR
Gap update factor 10 0…255 Factor for determining after how many token cycles an added participant is accepted into the token ring. After expiry of the time period G*TTR, the station searches to see whether a further participant wishes to be accepted into the logical ring. DpParameter -> Gap update factor
Max. retry limit 1 1…15 Maximum number of repeats in order to reach a station. DpParameter -> max. retry limit
Bus monitoring
Data control time 120 1..2:sup:24-1

The Data control time defines the time in [ms] within the Data_Transfer_List is updated at least once. After the expiration of this period, the master (class 1) reports its operating condition automatically via the Global_Control command.

The default value depends on the baudrate.

DpParameter -> Data control time
Min slave interval 2000 1…65535

The Min Slave Interval defines the minimum time period between two slave list cycles in [µs]. The maximum value that the active stations require is always given.

The default value depends on the slave types.

DpParameter -> min. slave interval
Poll timeout 10   The parameter Poll timeout sets the maximum period of time in [ms] during which the response has to be received. DpParameter -> Poll timeout
Calculated timing
Tid1 (read-only) 37 37

Tid1 starts after the initiator has received an acknowledgement, answer or a Token telegram.

Tid1 = max (T QUI + 2 * TSET + 2 + TSYN , min TSDR)

T SYN : This is the minimum time that must be available to each device as a rest condition before it is allowed to accept the start of a query and it is determined at 33 bit times.

Tid2 (read-only) 150 150

Tid2 starts after the initiator has send a telegram which is not acknowledged..

Tid2 = max (T:sub:QUI + 2 * T SET + 2 + TSYN , max TSDR )

T SYN: This is the minimum time that must be available to each device as a rest condition before it is allowed to accept the start of a query and it is determined at 33 bit times.


Remark 1: PROFIBUS DP Configuration

To display the parameters of this column, enable the option Show generic device configuration views under Tools ‣ Options ‣ Device editor.