Update from SD Card during System Start¶
To update the firmware of the AC500 CPU via SD card without control by PLC-Browser commands, proceed as follows:
Download and extract the update files on your SD card or prepare the SD card, see Storage Devices: Storing/Loading the Firmware to the SD Memory Card for AC500 V2 Products
Insert prepared SD card into the CPU. The file SDCARD.INI on the SD card contains settings that automatically perform the update (details see The Command File SDCARD.INI for V2 Products: Command File SDCARD.INI for AC500 V2 ProductsSDCARD.INI for V3 Products: File Content: Firmware Version V3.x
Switch power on.
The individual steps \ are indicated as follows:
Process Indication Remark Reading the firmware RUN LED flashes fast If you remove the SD card during reading, the previously stored firmware version is kept. Flashing the firmware RUN LED and ERR LED flash fast Warning: If the control voltage is switched off during flashing, the firmware will be corrupted! Firmware update completed successfully RUN LED flashes slow (app. 1Hz) Incorrect firmware update ERR LED flash slow
(app. 1Hz)
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Updates operation starts (green LED blinking = reading from SD card / red and green LEDs blinking fast = flash process).
Reboot the CPU to load the updated firmware.
A specific firmware version can be loaded. This is done by setting the parameter CPUPM5x1=2 or 3 and creating an according key for the CPU. The firmware has to be copied to the according directory. See chapter The Command File SDCARD.INI for V2 Products: Command File SDCARD.INI for AC500 V2 ProductsSDCARD.INI for V3 Products: File Content: Firmware Version V3.x
If the file SDCARD.INI contains the parameter setting FunctionOfCard=3 (firmware update / load user program), first the firmware and then the user program are read from the SD card and then stored in the according Flash memory.