Parameter Data (Acyclic Data)

Register (hex) Description Readable by MODBUS function code Writeable by MODBUS function code
3000 Parameters CI 3 6, 16
3080 Stored parameters CI 3 x
3100 Parameters 1. EXP 3 6, 16
3180 Stored parameters 10. EXP 3 x
3A00 Parameters 10. EXP 3 6, 16
3A80 Stored parameters 10. EXP 3 x
3B00 controlword/statusword 3 6, 16

For each connected module the following parameter data are defined (the parameters are represented as ARRAY OF BYTE):

  • Actual used parameter for each module

    In these sections the actual parameters are stored. This section is also used to write parameters to the module (For a description on how to parameterize see MODBUS Communication Interface Module).

  • Stored parameters for each module

    If the module has stored nonvolatile parameters these can be read out using the corresponding registers.

The controlword/statusword is used to trigger a parameterization process. The single bits have the following meaning:


The direction of the first 8 bits is client to server (master to slave).

The direction of the second 8 bits is server to client (slave to master). A description of the bits can be found in chapter behavior MODBUS Communication Interface Module.

The parameter register sections (actual and stored parameters) have the structure as explained in the hardware description: AC500 Device Description (Hardware)