I/O Data

The I/O data section can use two different formats according to the module parameter “I/O Mapping Structure” (see hardware description: AC500 Device Description (Hardware)

  • Fixed I/O mapping

    In case of fixed I/O mapping each module has a predefined register range for each Inputs and Outputs.

  • Dynamic I/O mapping

    In case of dynamic I/O mapping the mapping is build according to the actual configuration.

The dummy output at the end of the I/O data section can be used to retrigger the bus supervision and has no effect on the HW outputs.

Fixed I/O Mapping

In case of fixed I/O mapping the following predefined register table is used:

Register (hex) Description Readable by MODBUS function code Writeable by MODBUS function code
1000 Inputs CI 3, 4, 23 x
1100 Inputs 1.EXP 3, 4, 23 x
1A00 Inputs 10.EXP 3, 4, 23 x
2000 Outputs CI 3, 23 6, 16, 23
2100 Outputs 1.EXP 3, 23 6, 16, 23
2A00 Outputs 10.EXP 3, 23 6, 16, 23
2B00 Dummy output 3, 23 6, 16, 23

If a certain expansion module has no inputs or outputs the corresponding registers remain empty.

Dynamic I/O Mapping

In case of dynamic mapping only the start addresses of inputs and outputs are predefined:

Register (hex) Description Readable by MODBUS function code Writeable by MODBUS function code
1000 Inputs CI 3, 4, 23 x
2000 Outputs CI 3, 23 6, 16, 23
2B00 Dummy output 3, 23 6, 16, 23

The register addresses of the connected expansion modules are calculated dynamically based on the number of inputs and outputs of the previous modules (each module starts directly on the next register after the previous module).

The register addresses of each module can be read out via the common device register (see MODBUS Communication Interface Module).

Comparative Example for Fixed and Dynamic Mapping

The difference between fixed mapping and dynamic mapping is shown in the following table.

For this comparison a cluster with CI522, AX522, DC532, AX521, DC523, DC532, AO523, AI523, DI524, AX522 and DC523 is used.

Fixed Mapping   Dynamic Mapping
Register (hex) Description Type Data Register (hex) Description Type Data
1000 Inputs CI 8 DC, 8 DI, FC 4 BYTE + 4 WORD   1000 Inputs CI 8 DC, 8 DI, FC 4 BYTE + 4 WORD
1100 Inputs AX522 8 AI 8 WORD 1006 Inputs AX522 8 AI 8 WORD
1200 Inputs DC532 16 DI, 16 DC 4 BYTE 100E Inputs DC532 16 DI, 16 DC 4 BYTE
1300 Inputs AX521 4 AI 4 WORD 1010 Inputs AX521 4 AI 4 WORD
1400 Inputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE 1014 Inputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE
1500 Inputs DC532 16 DI, 16 DC 4 BYTE 1016 Inputs DC532 16 DI, 16 DC 4 BYTE
1600 Inputs AO523 Inputs AO523
1700 Inputs AI523 16AI 16 WORD 1018 Inputs AI523 16AI 16 WORD
1800 Inputs DI524 32 DI 4 BYTE 1028 Inputs DI524 32 DI 4 BYTE
1900 Inputs AX522 8 AI 8 WORD 102A Inputs AX522 8 AI 8 WORD
1A00 Inputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE 1032 Inputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE
2000 Outputs CI 8 DC, 8DO, FC 4 BYTE + 8 WORD 2000 Outputs CI 8 DC, 8DO, FC 4 BYTE + 8 WORD
2100 Outputs AX522 8 AO 8 WORD 200A Outputs AX522 8 AO 8 WORD
2200 Outputs DC532 16 DC 2 BYTE 2012 Outputs DC532 16 DC 2 BYTE
2300 Outputs AX521 4 AO 4 WORD 2013 Outputs AX521 4 AO 4 WORD
2400 Outputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE 2017 Outputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE
2500 Outputs DC532 16 DC 2 BYTE 2019 Outputs DC532 16 DC 2 BYTE
2600 Outputs AO523 16 AO 16 WORD 201A Outputs AO523 16 AO 16 WORD
2700 Outputs AI523 Outputs AI523
2800 Outputs DI524 Outputs DI524
2900 Outputs AX522 8 AO 8 WORD 202A Outputs AX522 8 AO 8 WORD
2A00 Outputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE 2032 Outputs DC523 24 DC 3 BYTE

Process Data Structure CI521-MODTCP

I/O data (Inputs 19 BYTEs)

Signal DATA TYPE Description
AI0 WORD Input value of the 1:sup:st analogue input
AI1 WORD Input value of the 2:sup:nd analogue input
AI2 WORD Input value of the 3:sup:rd analogue input
AI3 WORD Input value of the 4:sup:th analogue input
DI BYTE Input value of the DI channels
Fast counter actual value counter 1 DWORD Fast Counters
Fast counter actual value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter state counter 1 BYTE
Fast counter state counter 2 BYTE

I/O data (Outputs 23 BYTEs)

Signal DATA TYPE Description
AO0 WORD Output value of the 1:sup:st analogue input
AO1 WORD Output value of the 2:sup:nd analogue input
DO BYTE Output value of the DO channels
Fast counter start value counter 1 DWORD Fast Counters
Fast counter end value counter 1 DWORD
Fast counter start value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter end value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter control counter 1 BYTE
Fast counter control counter 2 BYTE

Process Data Structure CI522-MODTCP

I/O data (Inputs 12 BYTEs)

Signal DATA TYPE Description
DC BYTE Input value of the DC channels
DI BYTE Input value of the DI channels
Fast counter actual value counter 1 DWORD Fast Counters
Fast counter actual value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter state counter 1 BYTE
Fast counter state counter 2 BYTE

I/O data (Outputs 20 BYTEs)

Signal DATA TYPE Description
DC BYTE Output value of the DC channels
DO BYTE Output value of the DO channels
Fast counter start value counter 1 DWORD Fast Counters
Fast counter end value counter 1 DWORD
Fast counter start value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter end value counter 2 DWORD
Fast counter control counter 1 BYTE
Fast counter control counter 2 BYTE