Module State

The module state section consists of 44 WORDs and contains the module state of connected expansion modules and hot swap terminal units using the following structure:

Data DATA TYPE Description
Module ID WORD Module ID of the CI52x
Expected module ID WORD Expected (configured) module ID of the CI52x
Module state BYTE

The current module state of the CI52x:

0: NO_MOD (no module detected)

1: MOD_INIT (module detected, module is in initialization phase)

2: MOD_RUN (module detected and running or in failsafe state, input data are valid)

3: WRONG_MOD (wrong module detected, module ID doesn’t match expected module ID)

4: MOD_REMOVED (module removed or defective on hot swap terminal unit, no communication to module possible)

5: MOD_ERROR (module defective on hot swap terminal unit, no communication to module possible)

6: MOD_LOST (lost communication to module on not hot swap capable terminal unit)

7: UNKNOWN (module detected but not configured)

Diagnosis flag BYTE

Diagnosis flag for the CI52x:

0: NO_DIAG (no diagnosis evailable from CI52x I/O cards)

1: DIAG_AVAILABLE (diagnosis available for CI52x I/O cards)

Terminal unit state BYTE

Terminal unit state for the CI52x:

0: NO_HOTSWAP_TU (not hot swap terminal unit detected)

1: HOTSWAP_TU_RUNNING (hot swap terminal unit detected and working)

2: HOTSWAP_TU_ERROR (hot swap terminal unit detected, but communication errors for hot swap terminal unit detected)

Parameter state BYTE

Parameter state of the CI52x:

0: NO_PARA (module is in initialization phase and not ready for parameterization)

1: WAIT_PARA (module awaits parameterization)

2: PARA_RUN (parameterization running)

3: LEN_ERR (length of parameters not correct)

4: ID_ERR (module ID inside parameters not correct)

5: PARA_DONE (parameterization finished without errors)

Module ID WORD Module ID of the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Expected module ID WORD Expected (configured) module ID of the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Module state BYTE The current module state of the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Diagnosis flag BYTE

Diagnosis flag for the 1:sup:st connected expansion module

0: NO_DIAG (no diagnosis evailable for expansion module)

1: DIAG_AVAILABLE (diagnosis available for expansion module)

Terminal unit state BYTE Terminal unit state for the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Parameter state BYTE Parameter state of the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Module ID WORD Module ID of the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Expected module ID WORD Expected (configured) module ID of the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Module state BYTE The current module state of the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Diagnosis flag BYTE Diagnosis flag for the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Terminal unit state BYTE Terminal unit state for the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Parameter state BYTE Parameter state of the 10:sup:th connected expansion module