The Function Blocks Used with FM562ΒΆ

The following Function Blocks are used for realizing positioning and speed control with PTO FM562.


The Function Blocks mentioned below are part of PS552-MC-E Libraries. These libraries are not part of Automation Builder and must be ordered separately.

Classification Name Description


Function Blocks

PTO_FM562_ACCESS This Function Block is used to adapt specific PLCopen blocks to FM562 module and also adds other specialized function for FM562.


Function Blocks

MC_Power This Function Block controls the power stage (on or off).
MC_Stop This Function Block aborts any ongoing Function Block execution.
MC_Reset This Function Block resets the current axis position to 0.
MC_MoveAbsolute This Function Block commands a controlled motion to a specified absolute position
MC_MoveRelative This Function Block commands a controlled motion of a specified distance relative to the actual position at the time of the execution.
MCA_MoveVelocityContinuous This Function Block commands a never ending controlled motion at a specified velocity and changes velocity on fly.

Latency of Function Block PTO_FM562_ACCESS

When the command for a movement is given, the Function Block transmits the parameters in several I/O-bus cycles. Then the movement is started. The maximum reaction time can be calculated with the following formula:

Max reaction time = 3 x (T + 3.32 ms)

T = Application program cycle time in ms (set in the configuration)


  • Application program cycle time = 1ms.

    Max. reaction time = 3 x (1 ms + 3.32 ms) = 13 ms

  • Application program cycle time = 10 ms.

    Max. reaction time = 3 x (10 ms + 3.32 ms) = 40 ms