Object Directory

The object directory describes the entire functionality of a CANOPEN device. It is organized as a table. The object directory does not only contain the standardized data types and objects of the CANOPEN communication profile and the device profiles. If necessary, it also contains manufacturer-specific objects and data types. The entries are addressed by means of a 16 bit index (table row, 65536 entries max.) and an 8 bit sub-index (table column, 256 entries max.). Thus, objects belonging together can be easily grouped. The following table shows the structure of this CANOPEN object directory:

Index Object
dec hex
0 0000 not used
1…31 0001…001F Static data types
32…63 0020…003F Complex data types
64…95 0040…005F Manufacturer-specific data types
96…607 0060…025F Device profile specific data types
608…1023 0260…03FF Reserved
1024…4095 0400…0FFF Reserved
4096…8191 1000…1FFF Communication profile (DS-301)
8192…24575 2000…5FFF Manufacturer-specific parameters
24576…40959 6000…9FFF Parameters of the standardized device profiles
40960…45055 A000…AFFF Standardized network variable area
45056…49151 B000…BFFF Standardized system variable area
49152…65535 CA000…FFFF Reserved

Several data types are defined for the objects themselves. If required, other structures (e.g. ARRAY, STRUCT) can be created from these standard types.