Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid here. Only additional details are therefore documented below.

Process supply voltage UP  
Connections Terminals 1.8, 2.8, 3.8 and 4.8 for +24 V (UP) as well as 1.9, 2.9, 3.9 and 4.9 for 0 V (ZP)
Rated value 24 V DC
max. ripple 5 %
Protection against reversed voltage yes
Rated protection fuse on UP 10 A fast
Electrical isolation yes, per module
Current consumption  
from 24 V DC power supply at the terminals UP/L+ and ZP/M of the CPU/Bus Module ca. 2 mA
from UP at normal operation / with outputs 0.15 A + output loads
inrush current from UP (at power up) 0.004 A:sup:2s
Max. power dissipation within the module 6 W (outputs OFF)
Weight (without Terminal Unit) Ca. 300 g
Mounting position


or vertical with derating (output load reduced to 50 % at 40°C per group)

Cooling The natural convection cooling must not be hindered by cable ducts or other parts in the switch-gear cabinet.


All I/O channels (digital and analog) are protected against reverse polarity, reverse supply, short circuit and continuous overvoltage up to 30 V DC.