The Setting ‘COMx - SysLibCom’


At AC500-eCo CPUs PM55x and PM56x, the interface COM2 cannot be configured as SysLibCom mode.

As of Control Builder version V1.2 and firmware version V1.2.0 the protocol

- ‘COMx - SysLibCom’

is available.

If the protocol ‘COMx - SysLibCom’ is selected for the serial interface COMx, the interface is prepared for operation with the blocks contained in the library “SysLibCom.lib” and the according protocols.

The library SysLibCom.lib contains the following functions:

Function Meaning Note
SysComClose Closes an interface  
SysComGetVersion2300 Internal version synchronization Only internal
SysComOpen Opens an interface  
SysComRead Reads data from an interface  
SysComSetSettings Parameterization of an interface  
SysComSetSettingsEx Extended parameterization of an interface Currently not supported
SysComWrite Write data to an interface  


All blocks in the “SysLibCom.lib” library are functions. The blocks are processed until the according action is completed or processing is aborted due to a possibly set timeout. During sending, the block waits, for example, until the characters have been actually output.

This can cause the suspension of the task in case of too small task cycle times!

The interface is initialized in the PLC configuration according to the defined settings when starting the PLC, after a download or after a reset. The following settings are possible:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Enable login see remark 1 Disabled Disabled There is no check with regard to the Control Builder login telegram.
Enabled Telegrams received are checked with regard to the Control Builder login sequence. If the sequence is detected, the protocol setting is changed to ‘Online access’.
RTS control see remark 2 None None No RTS control (direction control, not for PM55x and PM56x)

RTS control activated

(absolutely necessary for RS 485!)

TLS see remark 2 0 0…65535

Carrier lead time in [ms]


CDLY see remark 2 0 0…65535

Carrier delay time in [ms]


Character timeout see remark 3 0 0…65535 Character timeout in characters (must be 0 if Telegram ending selection = Character timeout)
Telegram ending selection see remark 3 None None No telegram ending identifier
String (check receive)

2 characters, e.g. <CR><LF> (16#0d, 16#0a -> 16#0d0a) in parameter “Telegram ending value”

Setting not recommended!

Telegram length

Telegram ending identifier set by telegram length

Setting not recommended!


Telegram ending identifier set by time

Setting not recommended!

Character timeout Telegram ending identifier set by character timeout
Telegram ending character see remark 3 0 0…1 Number of end characters in case of telegram ending selection “String”
Telegram ending value see remark 3 0 0…65535 Telegram ending identifier value for settings “Duration”, “Character timeout” and “String”
Handshake None None No handshake
RTS/CTS Hardware handshake
XON/XOFF Not yet implemented
3964R master Not yet implemented
3964R slave Not yet implemented
Baudrate 19200











Character length in bits/s
Parity None None No parity check
Odd Odd parity
Even Even parity
Mark Parity bit := TRUE
Space Parity bit := FALSE
Data bits 8 5, 6, 7, 8 Character length in bits/character
Stop bits 1 1, 2 Number of stop bits