Remark 3: Telegram ending identifier

See remark 3 under “ASCII” protocol settings AC500 PLC Configuration.

Because the receive function SysComRead() interrupts the processing of the user program until the ending criteria (telegram ending selection or timeout) is detected, it is recommended to set the telegram ending selection only to the following values:

  • None
  • Character timeout

During processing of the user program, the following parameters can be changed using the function SysComSetSettings():

  • Baudrate
  • Number of stop bits
  • Parity

This is done by adding the parameters to the structure COMSETTINGS. The structure is as follows:

Parameter Type Default value Meaning / valid values
dwBaudRate DWORD none


300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400

57600, 115200, 125000, 187500


The structure must have a valid value assigned to it. The function reports an error for any invalid values (also 0).

byStopBits BYTE 0

Number of stop bits

0=1, 1=1,5, 2=2 stop bits

byParity BYTE 0


0=No, 1=odd, 2=even, 3=mark, 4=space

dwTimeout DWORD 0

Currently not supported!

Specified values are ignored.

dwBufferSize DWORD 0
dwScan DWORD 0