Configuring the Module DC541-CM

The configuration of the interrupt and counting module DC541-CM is done in the PLC configuration of the Control Builder PS501. A detailed description of the PLC configuration for the AC500 can be found in System Technology of the CPUs / PLC configuration AC500 PLC Configuration.

This section describes the procedure for configuring the DC541-CM when used with a AC500 CPU (PM581).

After creating a project for the target system PM581, the PLC configuration looks as follows:


The device DC541-CM has to be entered at the corresponding Communication Module slot according to the hardware setup. Right click the entry “Communication Modules[FIX]” to open the context menu for appending a Communication Module. Select “Append Subelement” to display all devices available for the Communication Module slots.


If the DC541-CM is inserted in slot 1 (i.e. the first slot on the left of the CPU), you then have to select the entry “DC541 - Interrupt / counter IO”. If the DC541-CM is e.g. inserted in slot 2 and slot 1 is empty or should be used for another Communication Module, you first have to enter an “External - none” for an empty slot or the inserted Communication Module respectively. In the example, the Communication Module is inserted in slot 1.

After the device has been added successfully, the module parameters have to be specified:


The following module parameters are available:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Run on config fault No No In case of a configuration error, the user program is not started.
Yes The user program is started even if the internal Ethernet Communication Module is configured incorrectly.
Do not delete config on Reset (original) On On The configuration of the DC541 is not deleted in case of a reset (original).
Off In case of a reset (original), the configuration of the DC541 is deleted, too.
Num edges ignore input 0 0 0…255 Number of edges that may occur at input 0 without initiating the interrupt task, if channel C0 is configured as interrupt input.
Watchdog On On Mutual time monitoring between the CPU and the DC541 is switched on.
Off No time monitoring.

The library DC541_AC500_V11.lib is included automatically during the first compilation of the project after the device has been added to the PLC configuration.