Flexible AC500 Configuration\ \ \ΒΆ

As of Automation Builder Version 1.1 a feature for flexible AC500 configuration is introduced. This feature enables you to use only one Automation Builder project for multiple different hardware configurations. Especially for product lines with many hardware variants, flexible configuration is a cost and time saving way for AC500 configuration.



Flexible configuration is not supported for CM574-RS/RCOM and SM560 devices.

An Automation Builder project consists of CODESYS V3 hardware configuration and CODESYS V2 IEC application. Usually, from hardware configuration a *.ccf file is created and downloaded with IEC application to the PLC. Whenever an application is loaded to the PLC firmware, this *.ccf file is evaluated by I/O drivers.

When flexible configuration is enabled, Automation Builder creates one individual *.ccf file for each variant of hardware configuration. IEC application loads all available *.ccf files to the PLC, however, only one *.ccf file can be analyzed by PLC firmware at a time. The user decides which *.ccf file to be used by activation of the desired file. The active configuration is represented by the FlexConfID. Maximum number of manageable *.ccf files is limited to 255.



Application configuration and hardware configuration are separated but linked via I/O Mapping. Hence, flexible configuration is only operable in combination with an I/O bus. In order to use several hardware configurations with one application configuration I/O Mapping must be identical.

It is currently not possible to have alternative configurations of safety devices in a project with flexible configuration. However, if configuration of the safety devices is equal in all alternative configurations, flexible configuration is operable.