Possibilities of Connection

Mounting on Terminal Units TU509 or TU510

The assignment of the 9-pole female D-SUB connector for the CANopen® signals

../_images/8fe5c2a06158fda10a331390495c8d841 1 Reserved
2 CAN- Inverted signal of the CAN Bus
3 CAN_GND Ground potential of the CAN bus
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 CAN+ Non-inverted signal of the CAN Bus
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
Shield Cable shield Functional earth

Bus Termination

The data line ends must be equipped with 120-Ohm bus terminating resistors. Normally, the resistors are integrated in the interface connectors.


Figure: CANopen® interface, bus terminating resistors at the line ends


The earthing of the shield should take place at the switch-gear cabinet, see System-Data AC500 AC500 System Data and System Construction.

Mounting on Terminal Units TU517 or \ TU518

The assignment of the terminals 1.0 - 1.9:

Terminal Signal Meaning
1.0 CAN+ Non-inverted signal of the CAN Bus
1.1 CAN+ Non-inverted signal of the CAN Bus
1.2 CAN- Inverted signal of the CAN Bus
1.3 CAN- Inverted signal of the CAN Bus
1.4 Term+ CAN bus termination for CAN+ (for bus termination, Term+ must be connected with CAN+)
1.5 Term+ CAN bus termination for CAN+ (connecting alternative for terminal 1.4)
1.6 Term- CAN bus termination for CAN- (for bus termination, Term- must be connected with CAN-)
1.7 Term- CAN bus termination for CAN- (connecting alternative for terminal 1.6)
1.8 CAN-GND Ground potential of the CAN bus
1.9 CAN-GND Ground potential of the CAN bus

At the line ends of a bus segment, termination resistors must be connected. If using TU517/TU518, the bus termination resistors can be enabled by connecting the terminals Term+ and Term- to the data lines CAN+ and CAN- (no external termination resistors are required, see illustration below).

The following figures shows the different possibilities of connection for the CANopen® Bus Module:



If using TU517/TU518, note that the termination resistors are not located inside the TU, but inside the Bus Module CI581-CN. I. e. when removing the device from the TU, the bus termination resistors are not connected to the bus any more. The bus itself will not be disconnected if a device is removed.


The earthing of the shield should take place at the switch-gear cabinet, see System-Data AC500 AC500 System Data and System Construction.