Information Data Section (Acyclic Data)

The information data section can be used to read out common and module specific information.

This section is read only.

Register (hex) Description Readable by MODBUS function code Writeable by MODBUS function code
0 Device and FW information CI 3 x
50 Production data CI 3 x
100 Device and FW information 1. EXP 3 x
125 Device and FW information 1. Hot swap terminal unit 3 *) x
150 Production data 1. EXP 3 x
175 Production data 1. Hot swap terminal unit 3 *) x
A00 Device and FW information 10. EXP 3 x
A25 Device and FW information 10. Hot swap terminal unit 3 *) x
A50 Production data 10. EXP 3 x
A75 Production data 10. Hot swap terminal unit 3 *) x
D00 Common device information 3 x

*) supported from CI52x firmware version V3.2.0 (device index F0)

This section can be divided again in two sections:

  • The module specific section (containing information for each module CI52x-MODTCP and expansion modules and hot swap terminal units)
  • The common device information block