The Common Device Information Registers

The Common Device Information Block

This section consists of 80 WORDs (90 WORDs from CI52x firmware version V3.2.0 (device index F0)) and contains cluster wide information (CI52x device and connected expansion modules using the following structure:

Data DATA TYPE Description
Device state BYTE

The actual state of the device:

0: STATE_PREOP (device booting)

1: STATE_OPERATION (device in operational, no bus supervision active)

2: STATE_ERROR (device detected a bus error, bus supervision active)

3: STATE_IP_ERROR (the device has a IP address error)

4: STATE_CYCLIC_OPERATION (device in operational, bus supervision active)

Parameter state BYTE

The actual parameter state of the device:

0: PARA_STATE_NO_PARA (the device has no parameters)

1: PARA_STATE_PARA_ACTIVE (parameterization process running)

2: PARA_STATE_PARA_DONE (the uses valid parameters)

3: PARA_STATE_ERROR (The device has invalid

Module ID CI device WORD Module ID of the CI52x device itself
Module ID 1:sup:st expansion WORD Module ID of the 1:sup:st connected expansion module
Module ID 2:sup:nd expansion WORD Module ID of the 2:sup:nd connected expansion module
Module ID 10:sup:thexpansion WORD Module ID of the 10:sup:th connected expansion module
Expansion bus error count DWORD Global telegram error count over all expansion modules
Good count onboard I/O DWORD Telegram good count onboard I/Os
Good count 1:sup:st expansion DWORD Telegram good count 1:sup:st expansion module
Good count 2:sup:nd expansion DWORD Telegram good count 2:sup:nd expansion module
Good count 10:sup:th expansion DWORD Telegram good count 10:sup:th expansion module
Error count onboard I/O DWORD Telegram error count onboard I/Os
Error count 1:sup:st expansion DWORD Telegram error count 1:sup:st expansion module
Error count 2:sup:nd expansion DWORD Telegram error count 2:sup:nd expansion module
Error count 10:sup:th expansion DWORD Telegram error count 10:sup:th expansion module
Input address onboard I/O WORD MODBUS TCP register address for inputs of the onboard I/Os
Input address 1:sup:st expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for inputs of the 1st expansion module
Input address 2:sup:nd expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for inputs of the 2nd expansion module
Input address 10:sup:th expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for inputs of the 10th expansion module
Output address onboard I/O WORD MODBUS TCP register address for outputs of the onboard I/Os
Output address 1:sup:st expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for outputs of the 1st expansion module
Output address 2:sup:nd expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for outputs of the 2nd expansion module
Output address 10:sup:th expansion WORD MODBUS TCP register address for outputs of the 10th expansion module
Module ID 1:sup:st hot swap terminal unit *) WORD Module ID of the 1:sup:st connected hot swap terminal unit *)
Module ID 2:sup:nd hot swap terminal unit *) WORD Module ID of the 2:sup:nd connected hot swap terminal unit *)
Module ID 10:sup:th hot swap terminal unit *) WORD Module ID of the 10:sup:th connected hot swap terminal unit *)

*) supported from CI52x firmware version V3.2.0 (device index F0)