ACS_PB_N_WRITE_PRM_DPV1 Write Parameters from ABB Drives via PROFIBUS DPV1ΒΆ


Function Block ACS_PB_WRITE_N_PRM_DPV1 is used for writing maximum 37 parameters to a drive via PROFIBUS in a single query.

Function Block Information

Available in PLC runtime system: V2.4 and above
Included in library: ACSDrivesComPB_AC500_V24.lib
Function Block Type: Function Block with historical values.


If the ACS_PB_WRITE_N_PRM_DPV1 Function Block is used at the same time the DriveManager is connecting, refreshing or writing variables, it might come to an error on either the ACS_PB_WRITE_N_PRM_DPV1 block or the DriveManager.

Block Description

Function Bock ACS_PB_WRITE_N_PRM_DPV1 writes maximum 37 parameters to drive in a single query. The number of parameters to be write is specified at the input NVAR.

Another limit while using the WRITE Function Block is, it can process only up to 240 byte data in one request or 37 drive parameters whichever is lower. If the WRITE data length is more than 240 byte, the Function Block generates error code 16#7012.

Parameters to write to the drive is specified at the DATA Input. ACS_PB_PN_PRM_DPV1_DATA_TYPE structure must be declared to a variable and connected to DATA input using ADR, which is to be entered with Group, Index, types and values.

ACS_PB_PN_PRM_DPV1_DATA_TYPE structure has the following array elements:

  • abyPrmGroup : Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter Group.
  • abyPrmIndex : Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter Index
  • abyPrmType : Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter type, please refer the respective drives manual for parameter data type and enter the respective ENUM / VALUE . For details about ENUM / VALUE please refer ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM
  • adwPrmValue: Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter value


Currently user cannot use enumeration from ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM.

Instead user need to use numerical values from ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM only.

The values in the structure area are updated, when the WRITE job was performed without error. This is indicated by DONE=TRUE and ERR=FALSE.


If the user need to read Parameter 10.01 and 11.05, then user need to enter the group and index number separately in input DATA as below:


Parameter Group : DataStruct.abyPrmGroup[1]:= 10; DataStruct.abyPrmGroup[2]:= 11;

Parameter Index : DataStruct .abyPrmIndex [1]:= 01; DataStruct .abyPrmIndex [2]:= 05;

Parameter Type : DataStruct. abyPrmType [1]:= xx; DataStruct. abyPrmType [2]:= xx; \ . \ . DataStruct. abyPrmType [37]:= xx;

Parameter Value : And the value will be stored inside DataStruct. adwPrmValue [1]:= xx; DataStruct. adwPrmValue [2]:= xx;

The values in the structure area are written to drive when the write job is performed without error. This is indicated by DONE=TRUE and ERR=FALSE.