DRIVE_DATA (drive data)
Data type: ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE Structure to Exchange Data Between Function Blocks for 1 Drive
The combined input/output DRIVE_DATA must be connected to the variable of type ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE of the related ACS drive (slave). Each drive must have its own DRIVE_DATA variable.
The DRIVE_DATA variable contains the data of the drive and must be connected to all related Function Blocks of this drive.
The Function Block ACS_COM_MOD_RTU_ENHANCED reads the Control Word and references (CW, SPEED_REF, REF_VALUE2) from the DRIVE_DATA variable and writes the status information (SW, ACT_SPEED, ACT-VALUE2) to the DRIVE_DATA variable. It also receives requests and data for MODBUS jobs from other Function Blocks e.g. ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM or ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM via the DRIVE_DATA variable.