Input DescriptionΒΆ

EN   BOOL \   (enable)

The Function Block is activated with a value transition from FALSE -> TRUE at the variable EN. Otherwise it remains disabled.

If the Function Block is activated the specified input values are used and the output values are available at the Function Block outputs.

PINGROUP   IEC60870_DoublePointInformation \   (pingroup)

At input PINGROUP the corresponding data point is set, which gets received by this Function Block.

The pingroup of the data type IEC 60870_DoubleCommand corresponds to the defined data type at the global address list due to the Control-/Substation in Automation_Builder, see Configuration of Control and Substations: Control Station and Substation Configuration

After the declaration in Automation_Builder the data type is available at the global variables constants list.

The IEC 60870 data is sent/recorded to the associated datapoint which is defined by the address in Automation_Builder (address datapoint send has to be the same as datapoint rec, see Configuration of Control and Substations: Data Points


A pingroup can only be assigned to one defined Function Block! It is not possible to use the pingroup twice (e.g. Send and Rec Function Blocks)!

SEND   BOOL \   (send)

Start a send request on a rising edge.

CYCLE   BOOL \   (cycle)

Input CYCLE performs a cyclic send each scandown cycle.

AUTO   BOOL \   (auto)

If input AUTO = TRUE, each input value change might trigger a sending process.

SCANDOWN   BYTE \   (scandown)

Input SCANDOWN is valid when input CYCLE = TRUE.

On cyclic sending only send within each scandown cycle.

INFO_ON   BOOL \   (information \ on)

Input value of bit 1.

INFO_OFF   BOOL \   (information \ off)

Input value of bit 2.

IV   BOOL \   (invalid)

Input IV sets the status/information of the data. If IV = TRUE, the data is invalid.

NT   BOOL \   (not \ topical)

Input NT sets the status/information of the data. If NT = TRUE, the data is not topical/actual.

SB   BOOL \   (substituted)

Input SB sets the status/information of the data. If SB = TRUE, the data is substituted.

BL   BOOL \   (blocked)

Input BL displays the status/information of the data. If BL = TRUE, the data is blocked.

TIMESTAMP   DT \   (timestamp)

TIMESTAMP which should be sent with the data.

MSEC   WORD \   (milliseconds)

Millisecond part of TIMESTAMP which should be sent with the data.