Output DescriptionΒΆ


Data type: BOOL

The output DONE signals the completion of the process, triggered with the EN input. After finishing of the process or if an error occured, DONE is TRUE for at least one PLC cycle. The output DONE always has to be checked in conjunction with the output ERR. If ERR is TRUE, the output ERNO reflects the according error number. Otherwise the output parameter values are valid.

ERR (error)

Data type: BOOL

The output ERR signals any fault detected during the processing of the Function Block. This output always has to be checked in conjunction with the DONE output. If DONE is TRUE and ERR is TRUE, a processing fault was detected. The value of the ERNO output provides the according error number.

ERNO (error number)

Data type: WORD

The output ERNO provides an error number: Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries

ACT (actual value)

Data type: DWORD

The current counter value (actual value) can be retrieved at any time using the output ACT of the function block.

CNT_TOUCH (counter touch value)

Data type: DWORD

The output CNT_TOUCH displays the result of the catch/touch trigger action.

CF (carry flag)

Data type: BOOL

If the zero crossover indicator CF=TRUE, this output indicates the sign of the actual counter value ACT. It is set to FALSE, when counter value ACT is less than or equal to zero. It is set to TRUE otherwise.

RDY_TOUCH (ready catch/touch value)

Data type: BOOL

The output RDY_TOUCH is set to TRUE, when a new catch/touch value is available. If input EN_TOUCH is set to FALSE, the output RDY_TOUCH is set to FALSE.

SET_IN (set input counter)

Data type: BOOL

The output SET_IN is set to TRUE, if one of the inputs is configured as SET input.

RESET_IN (reset input counter)

Data type: BOOL

The output RESET_IN is set to TRUE, if one of the inputs is configured as RESET input.