Parameter Value
Library_File_Name CMS_IO_AC500_V24.lib
Firmware V2.4.0, FM502-CMS firmware: V1.0
Type Type_Function_Block_History
Group Measurement

Possible operation modes: 1-1, 2-1 <no title>

Control for analog measurement: FM502_CMS Analog Measurement

CMS_IO_MEASMNT_CTRL needs the destination path where to store the measurement files. When EN = TRUE the configured measurement starts and the files are stored at destination path as ZIP file. The ZIP file includes the WAV files. Each WAV file per activated channel and encoder. When there are activated channels with different sample rate, there will be another encoderWAV file for every channel with different sample rate. The time for measurement and transmitting depends on the number of active channels, the sample rate, the record length value.