
Function Block PUMP_LEVEL_CTRL

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V1.3 and above
Included in library PUMP_AC500_V23.lib
Type Function Block without historical values.

The level control macro is designed for controlling a station of 1 to 3 pumps that is used for either emptying or filling a container. The level control functionality is activated by setting parameter level mode to emptying or filling. The start levels for the pumps (as well as the alarm levels) are set by parameters.

Filling Mode


Behavior and meaning of the parameters if the “Filling Mode” is set

The pump station above is used for filling a tank, decreasing its level due to a larger outlet flow. The diagram shows the start, stop and supervision levels for filling. Parameter “Stopping mode” is assumed to be set to “Common stop”; “Start stop delay” is assumed to be set to 0.

A larger outlet flow e.g. to a fresh water network via a supply tank /reservoir:

The pumps need to pump fresh water to keep the level possibly constant to feed a network with constant pressure.

Emptying Mode


Pump station using for emptying a container, increasing its level due to inflow

The diagram above shows the start, stop and supervision levels for emptying mode. Parameter “stopping mode” is assumed to be set to “common stop”; “start stop delay” is assumed to be set to 0.

Example is a reservoir or tank with a larger inlet flow (e.g. in a waste water lift stations):

The pumps need to work in emptying mode, meaning to pump waste water further to avoid spilling of the reservoir.