4000hex…4FFFhex - Block Input Error

The error 4xxxhex is used in case of detected Function Block input parameter errors. The error is structured as follows:

4 X1 X2 X3 hex

X… Value Description
X1 + X2 1….FF Number of the input
X3 0 Invalid value
1 Value too low
2 Value too high
3 Wrong combination of the parameters
Dec Hex Error Description
0 0000 No error.
16403 4013 EN signal for level control given, although the pump boost control is enabled.
16432 4030 Value of MODE is erroneous.
16435 4033 Value of MODE level settings is erroneous.
16448 4040 Value of STOP_MODE is erroneous.
16464 4050 Value of LOW_LEVEL is erroneous.
16480 4060 Value of STOP_LEVEL is erroneous.
16512 4080 Value of START_LEVEL_1 is erroneous.
16528 4090 Value of START_LEVEL_2 is erroneous.
16544 40A0 Value of START_LEVEL_3 is erroneous.
16576 40C0 Value of HIGH_LEVEL is erroneous.
16608 40E0 Value of ACT_LEVEL is erroneous.
16624 40F0 Value of NORMAL_SPEED_1 is erroneous.
16640 4100 Value of NORMAL_SPEED_2 is erroneous.
16656 4110 Value of NORMAL_SPEED_3 is erroneous.
16672 4120 Value of HIGH_SPEED_1 is erroneous.
16688 4130 Value of HIGH_SPEED_2 is erroneous.
16704 4140 Value of HIGH_SPEED_3 is erroneous.
16720 4150 Value of RAND_COEF is erroneous.